What is Easter?
Easter is the event of the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the 3rd day after his crucifixion. Easter is the satisfied prophecy of the Messiah who would be maltreated, die for our sins, and increase on the third day. (Isaiah 53). Keeping in mind the resurrection of Jesus is a method to renew day-to-day hope that we have success over sin. According to the New Testimony, Easter is 3 days after the death of Jesus on the cross.
Easter follows a duration of fasting called Lent, in which lots of churches reserved time for repentance and remembrance. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Great Friday, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. The 40-day duration was developed by Pope Gregory 1 using the 40-day pattern of Israel, Moses, Elijah and Jesus’ time in the wilderness.
The week leading up to Easter is called The Holy Week, or “Enthusiasm Week”, and includes Palm Sunday (the day Jesus got in Jerusalem and was commemorated), Maundy Thursday (the “Last Supper” where Jesus met his disciples to observe Passover), and Great Friday (when Jesus would be crucified on the cross).
Easter is a really considerable date within Christianity and is the foundation of the Christian faith. Jesus, the Child of God, satisfied prediction and through his death, has offered the present of eternal life in heaven to those who believe in his death and resurrection. Read the entire Scriptural account of Resurrection Day in Matthew 28, Mark 16, and Luke 24 and more Easter Bible verses at BibleStudyTools.com.
When did Easter begin?
The earliest Christians commemorated the resurrection on the fourteenth of Nisan (our March-April), the date of the Jewish Passover. Jewish days were reckoned from evening tonight, so Jesus had celebrated His Last Dinner the evening of the Passover and was crucified the day of the Passover. Early Christians celebrating the Passover worshiped Jesus as the Paschal Lamb and Redeemer.
Some of the Gentile Christians began celebrating Easter in the nearest Sunday to the Passover considering that Jesus, in fact, rose on a Sunday. This particularly became the case in the western part of the Roman Empire. In Rome itself, various parishes commemorated Easter on various days!
Numerous felt that the date should continue to be based on the timing of the Resurrection during Passover. Once Jewish leaders determined the date of Passover each year, Christian leaders could set the date for Easter by figuring three days after Passover. Following this schedule would have suggested that Easter would be a different day of the week each year, just falling on a Sunday from time to time.
Others believed because the Lord increased on a Sunday and this day had been reserved as the Lord’s Day, this was the only possible day to commemorate His resurrection. As Christianity drew away from Judaism, some were reluctant to base the Christian celebration on the Jewish calendar.
Constantine wanted Christianity to be absolutely separated from Judaism and did not desire Easter to be celebrated on the Jewish Passover. The Council of Nicea accordingly needed the banquet of the resurrection to be celebrated on a Sunday and never on the Jewish Passover. Easter was to be the Sunday after the very first full moon after the spring equinox. Since the date of the vernal equinox changed from year to year, calculating the appropriate date can be difficult. This is still the method used to identify Easter today, which is why some years we have Easter earlier than other years.

When is Easter this year?
Easter falls on Sunday, April 12, 2020, Easter is celebrated on the Sunday following the very first moon, the Pachschal moon, after the vernal equinox. Since the date of the vernal equinox altered from year to year, determining the proper date can be challenging. This is still the method utilized to determine Easter today, which is why some years we have Easter earlier than other years.
April 12, 2020.
April 4, 2021
April 17, 2022
April 9, 2023
March 31, 2024
April 20, 2025
What does Easter suggest?
The origin of the word easter isn’t particular. The Age-old Bede, an eighth-century monk, and scholar suggested that the word may have originated from the Anglo-Saxon Eostre or Eastre– a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. Recent scholars have not been able to find any reference to the goddess Bede mentioned and consider the theory discredited.
Another possibility is the Norse eostur, eastur, or ostara, which implied “the season of the growing sun” or “the season of brand-new birth.” The word east comes from the exact same roots. In this case, easter would be linked to the altering of the season.
A more recent and intricate explanation originates from the Christian background of Easter rather than the pagan. The early Latin name for the week of Easter was hebdomada alba or “white week,” while the Sunday after Easter day was called Dominica in albis from the white bathrobes of those who had actually been newly baptized. The word alba is Latin both for white and dawn. Individuals speaking Old High German slipped up in their translation and used a plural word for dawn, ostarun, instead of a plural for white. From ostarun we get the German Ostern and the English Easter.
Connection to Passover
The day before his crucifixion, Jesus observed Passover with his disciples. This event is referred to as the Last Dinner. Passover is the time that Jews remembered their flexibility and exodus from Egypt. Throughout this Passover feast, Jesus told his disciples that the bread symbolizes his body that would be broken and the red wine, his blood, which would be poured out for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:17 -30) The Last Supper is remembered today in churches and spiritual services through the act of taking Communion and sharing bread and wine to remember the sacrifice of Jesus.
Jesus was jailed after the Passover meal while he was hoping in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was then taken before the Roman Guv, Pontius Pilate, for trial.
Christian and Pagan Traditions
There are numerous customs that surround the whole Lent season, Holy Week, and Easter Sunday. Normally observed traditions around the world consist of the Easter bunny, colored eggs, gift baskets, and flowers. We will dive into particular customs below in more information, but here are a few more interesting customs from all over the world:
In Australia, bunnies are thought about bugs that mess up crops and land. Aussies commemorate with their native marsupial, the Bible, which has big ears and a more pointy nose.
In Poland on Easter Monday, kids try to soak people with containers of water. This custom has is rooted in the baptism of Polich Prince Mieszko on Easter Monday in 996.
In Greece, the early morning of Holy Saturday is known as the yearly “pot throwing” where residents throw pots out of windows. It is a tradition utilized to mark the beginning of spring and brand-new crops being collected in new pots.
In Europe, there are big bonfires called Easter Fires that are lit on Easter Sunday into Monday. The Saxon origin is that the fires will repel winter and Easter will bring spring.
Origin and history of the Easter bunny
easter bunny
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Easter? As a Christian, the first image might be the cross or the empty burial place. For the public, a blitz of media images and merchandise on shop shelves makes it more likely that the Easter Bunny comes to mind. So how did a bunny distributing eggs become a part of Easter?
There are numerous reasons for the bunny, or hare, to be associated with Easter, all of which come through pagan events or beliefs. The most obvious is the hare’s fertility. Easter comes during spring and commemorates new life. The Christian significance of new life through Christ and a general emphasis on new life are different, but the two gradually merged. Any animals– like the hare– that produced numerous offspring were easy to consist of.
The hare is likewise an ancient symbol for the moon. The date of Easter depends upon the moon. This may have helped the hare to be taken in into Easter celebrations.
The hare or rabbit’s burrow helped the animal’s adoption as part of events. Believers saw the bunny coming out of its underground home as a symbol for Jesus coming out of the burial place. Maybe this was another case of taking a pre-existing symbol and providing it a Christian meaning.
The Easter hare came to America with German immigrants, and the hare’s function passed to the common American rabbit. Initially, kids made nests for the bunny in hats, bonnets, or expensive paper boxes, rather than the baskets of today. As soon as the children completed their nests, they put them in a secluded area to avoid frightening the shy bunny. The enticing nests loaded with colored eggs most likely assisted the custom-made to spread out.
Back in Southern Germany, the very first pastry and candy Easter bunnies became popular at the start of the 19th century. This custom-made also crossed the Atlantic, and kids still eat sweet rabbits– particularly chocolate ones– at Easter.
Origin and history of Easter Eggs
Besides the bunny, the most familiar symbol is the Easter egg. Like others, the egg has a long pre-Christian history. Once again there’s no certainty regarding why it became connected with Easter.
Numerous Ancient cultures viewed eggs as a sign of life. Hindus, Egyptians, Persians, and Phoenicians thought the world started with an enormous egg. The Persians, Greeks, and Chinese offered presents of eggs during spring celebrations in celebration of new life all around them. Other sources state people ate dyed eggs at spring festivals in Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome. In ancient Druid lore, the eggs of serpents were sacred and meant life.
Early Christians looked at the connection eggs had to live and decided eggs could be a part of their celebration of Christ’s resurrection. In addition, in some areas, eggs were forbidden throughout Lent; for that reason, they were a special at Easter. Since a lot of the earlier custom-made was Eastern in origin, some speculate that early missionaries or knights of the Crusade might have been accountable for bringing the custom to the West.
In the 4th century, individuals provided eggs in the church to be blessed and sprinkled with holy water. By the twelfth century, the Benedictio Ovorum had actually been introduced licensing the unique use of eggs on the holy days of Easter. The timing of this true blessing would maintain the idea that Crusaders may have brought the custom back. Despite the fact that eggs had been used formerly, the Crusaders might have made the custom more popular and widespread.
In 1290, Edward I of England tape-recorded a purchase of 450 eggs to be colored or covered with gold leaf. He then offered the eggs to members of the royal household.
Once the customized ended up being accepted, new customs began to grow up around it. Eggs were colored red for happiness and in memory of Christ’s blood. Egg rolling contests pertained to America from England, potentially as a reminder of the stone being rolled away.
What about the familiar Easter Egg hunt? One source recommended that it outgrew the tradition of German children looking for surprise pretzels during the Easter season. Considering that kids were concealing nests for the Easter Bunny to fill with eggs at the same time they were searching pretzels, it was only a small leap to start hiding eggs rather.
The Easter Lamb
Of all Easter signs, the lamb is probably the most strongly Christian. Besides the truth that lambs are young animals born in springtime, it has no strong ties to pagan customs.
The lamb comes from the Jewish Passover, where each household killed a lamb as a sacrifice. When Christ ended up being the Passover Lamb for everybody, the lamb became a symbol for His sacrifice.
“The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and stated, “Look, the Lamb of God, who removes the sin of the world!”
“For you understand that it was not with disposable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty lifestyle by far to you from your forefathers, however with the valuable blood of Christ, a lamb without acne or problem. He was picked prior to the creation of the world however was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him, you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, therefore your faith and hope remain in God.”
New Clothing at Easter
New clothes have actually long been associated with the concept of newness and a fresh beginning. The familiar custom of having new clothing for Easter most likely began with early Christians wearing new white bathrobes for baptism during Easter Vigil services. Later on, the custom broadened to everyone wearing new clothes in celebration of his/her brand-new life in Christ.
Sunrise Solutions
The familiar dawn service is a fairly brand-new addition to Easter. A group of young Moravian guys in Hernhut, Saxony held the first recorded dawn service in 1732. They went to their cemetery called God’s Acre at sunrise to worship in memory of the females who went to the burial place early on the very first Easter morning and discovered it empty. Moravian immigrants brought the custom-made to America, with the very first service in the United States held in 1743.
Easter Lilies
The Easter lily is another new addition to Easter celebrations. Throughout the years, painters and sculptors utilized the white Madonna lily to represent purity and innocence, often describing Mary. This lily does not force well, so nurseries could not get the flower to bloom in time Easter. In the 1880s, Mrs. Thomas Sargent brought Bermuda lily bulbs back to Philadelphia. A local nurseryman, William Harris, saw the lilies and introduced them to the trade. A more practical factor to consider was that they were simple to force into flower in time for the Easter season. From there, the Bermuda lily, now the familiar Easter lily, spread throughout the nation.